
Computer: Apple unveils new thin Desktop-iMac

Computer Apple unveils new thin Desktop-iMac Presentation of the new iMacs. The introduced new iMac...

Online platform: Twitter-Alternative Parler allowed back in Apple’s App Store

Online Platform Twitter-Alternative Parler allowed back in Apple's App Store The platform Parler caused a...

Usher Has paid the singer strippers with counterfeit money? (Video)

You can see in the Video Has the singer Usher paid strippers with counterfeit money?This claim in April 2021 for eddy on social media:R&B...

The U.S. Navy installed a deadly Laser on their destroyers

Upgrade The U.S. Navy installed a deadly Laser on their destroyers The "USS Preble" is...

Amazon Alexa: Three basic tips for language assistant

Amazon Alexa: Three basic tips for coping with the native voice assistant By a new...

Instagram: people with eating disorders got diet commercials displayed

Company responds Instagram admits error: people with eating disorders got diet commercials displayed Advertisement for...

By Ville de Bitche to Devil’s Dyke: How Facebook’s algorithm cities and sites is annoying

Confusion with swear words By Ville de Bitche to Devil's Dyke: How Facebook's algorithm cities and sites is annoying ...

Whatsapp: Everyone can lock your Account and there is nothing you can do about it

Crazy gap discovered Everyone can lock your Whatsapp Account and you can't do anything about it ...

Barriers on the Internet : copyright reform in a decisive Phase

Barriers to Internet Copyright reform in a decisive Phase The copyright is to be more...

Boston Dynamics robot dog pulls with the French army in the fight

Battle robots Boston Dynamics robot dog pulls with the French army in the fight Only...

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