
These 9 Gadgets Make Your Home Office Better

Home office can become a real test if there is no own study available and you have to share a room with the roommates....

This luxurious holiday home has been transformed from six shipping containers

Modular construction This luxurious holiday home has been transformed from six shipping containers ...

Social Media: Biden: Corona Fakenews on Facebook “kill people”

Social Media Biden: Corona Fakenews on Facebook "kill people" Joe Biden finds drastic...

Connecting two monitors made easy – this is how the setup works

Computer hardware Connect two monitors: how to do it with just one HDMI port ...

Anhalt-Bitterfeld: Hacker attack on district: Support from state and federal government

Hacker attack on county: Support from state and federal government The seat...

Smartphone app: Federal Highway app to be launched on 20 July

Smartphone App Federal Highway app launched on 20 July On 20 July, the...

Ergonomic keyboard: for better posture on the computer

Many tippers know pain in the wrists or in the shoulder. Most often the reason is an incorrect posture...

Social network: Facebook action against Holocaust denial soon in German

Social Network Facebook campaign against Holocaust denial soon in German ILLUSTRATION-The Facebook app...

Extreme weather: is this incredible tornado really real? (Video)

Watch the video: Extreme weather - is this incredible giant tornado real?Incredible natural spectacle: this video is spreading on social media.Masses of water rush...

Super yacht “Nature” – elegance at sea

"Nature" achieves the feat of combining traditional materials of shipbuilding with modern geometric shapes. The aim of the study...

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