TV money
The cool demonstration of power of FC Bayern and his allies against smaller clubs

Corona-crisis, TV money: There is much to discuss to the club if FC Bayern-Meeting invites
© Leo Kügeler / AFP
In Frankfurt, a Meeting of 15 Bundesliga club will take place on Wednesday. Amongst other things, to the future distribution of the TV money. It is remarkable that the four clubs were not invited, which require a different distribution key.
The Airport Club at Frankfurt airport is a modern and elegant conference centre. In the cooling-elegant setting Manager from closing shops or cars what are. Who is exhausted from the hard work of negotiations, you can rent an Badesuite to shower well maintained and to relax. For the representatives of the German football club so it is the right place to meet basic agreements about the future of the League.
The “secret meeting” takes place in this Form at all, is due to the FC Bayern. The biggest and most successful club in Germany, has initiated the meeting, from the you might want to be a fixed Institution. There is much to discuss. In addition to the succession of DFL CEO Christian Seifert, the Corona-crisis, the conflicts within the DFB and the distribution of the TV money from next season – about 1.1 billion Euro per year.
It’s all about the love of money
The remarkable thing about this Meeting is that some of the clubs from the 1. League is simply out of the 2 boots (. League anyway): FC Augsburg, Arminia Bielefeld, FSV Mainz 05 and VfB Stuttgart. Out of the 2. League is only the HSV here. In accordance with the policy is, therefore, the talk of the G15. The booteten clubs were pretty irritated. It is “legitimate that a process of exchange”, but a “strange behavior would be if parts of the League excluded”, – said the commercial Director of the Mainz, Jan Lehmann, of the “Frankfurter Rundschau”.
But what is the reason for the Ausbootung? Probably it’s because the clubs have a different idea of the distribution of the TV money. The Quartet was upset with a position paper on the debate, particularly the larger clubs. Do you propose that is to be distributed to the table of the first Bundesliga not more than twice as much to the table last. So far, the money was distributed so: In season 2019/20 FC Bayern received 68 million euros, the SC Paderborn as a newcomer to 26 million euros. In the current season, Bayern increased their share to 70,64 million euros, Borussia Dortmund comes on 69,73 million Euro from Bayer Leverkusen (67,47) and RB Leipzig (65,96).
Criticism from Werder Bremen
The Meeting came about on the Initiative of Bayern-Boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, he received a lot of support from the smaller, top dogs of the League. Borussia Dortmund, Borussia Mönchengladbach, RB Leipzig or Bayer Leverkusen are in terms of TV money is firmly on the side of the all-powerful industry leader. So this group has made with their invitation policy as a precautionary measure, significantly, where the should go in the future. A fundamentally new distribution key, it is not likely that, even if Werder Bremen or 1. FC Köln would like to have a little more of the pie. Your negotiating position is weak.
Also in the question of how far the financial solidarity in the Corona-crisis ranges, are hardened the positions. Non-performing clubs should not rely on the helpfulness of the other. Critical Werder’s Frank Baumann said: “In view of the current challenges and in the spirit of solidarity, we would have wished that all Bundesliga clubs will be invited.” Despite the criticism, the Bremen will probably be at the Airport Club in Frankfurt.
Source: “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, “Kicker”, “Frankfurter Rundschau”, “ran”