Let there be light
Jogging in the dark: tips and Tools for that are active at night runner

Take your safety into your own hands! Jogging in the dark can be dangerous. Unless, of course, is with the headlamp, bright running clothes and Reflectors on the road.
© Jochen Tack / Picture Alliance
In terms of sports, Germany is currently in large Parts still. Only the hundreds of thousands of Amateur runners don’t let it get you down. Neither of Corona, even by the weather or the darkness. What Tools while Jogging in the dark (survival)are important, read here.
To see and be seen. Jogging in the dark, this popular and from the Jetset borrowed phrase is a Mantra. A Mantra, the Bishop of power can protect classes from Falls and accidents and, therefore, also from serious injury or worse to follow. What is while running to the sunset (or before sunrise) is particularly important, as it minimizes the risk of Tripping on dark Trails and what smart Gadgets help car-, motorcycle and cyclists, joggers seen from Afar, read in this article.
Jogging in the dark: caution tripping hazard!
In addition to the walk, the Jogging experienced during the Corona pandemic, a bit of a Renaissance. The world of culture is at a standstill, sports facilities orphaned, climbing gyms are tight and in fitness training at home there goes the one or the other slowly Motivation. And so many Amateur athletes dig is currently dusty running shoes from the shelf and want to start Jogging. But if you can’t bring in your lunch break or want to go in the evening and in the Winter, next to the inner pig dog another enemy: the darkness. The first, one is tricky because you have to pay in addition to the physical burden, too, where you’re going. In any case, when one is away from lit roads and footpaths on the go. In addition, runners in the dark for other traffic participants are poorly or not at all make out. This is exactly why adequate equipment is the life insurance for Amateur runners want to do after dark, something for your health.
We dedicate ourselves first of all, of one’s own orientation. Because nothing is more annoying than to be in a few minutes on the nose, because you have overlooked a root or the Board edge is slightly higher than anticipated. For sports goods manufacturers Head lamp for athletes developed. The should be as light as possible, sit comfortably and according to the head shape customizable. In the best case, the running lighting from front and rear light. But this is not a Must. Because in order to be seen, Reflectors, the better companion. But more on that later. Now there are a runner, the feel of a mounted LED lamp on the head, disturbed. As an Alternative to the frontal variant of the lamps show the way, to be fixed by an elastic strap system in front of the chest. The principle is the Same. The only small drawback of the Chest lamp: In runners, the control of your heart rate using a heart rate belt (which is a very good idea), could the straps get in the way.
To see and be seen: With LEDs and Reflectors
To see yourself the way to avoid falls is one thing. The time goes wrong, it is often in the case of bruises or abrasions. Less of the cold is it could go, if joggers from other traffic will not be seen participants simply. Rule number two while Jogging in the dark: the Jogger also need to be seen. For this purpose, the manufacturer of a running outfit and bike wear their products for years, with so-called reflector areas from which to reflect, for example, the headlights of cars, motorcycles or bicycles. Safer it is, however, additional Reflective tapes the body is attached, or a slim vest with LED light throw on. Basically, The more reflector surface, the better it is.
Clothes make the runner: Bright half of the rent, which is already
It is observed nowadays, joggers, Black is apparently still the favorite colors under rugs. This may look elegant in terms of visibility and safety, this suit order is capable of expansion. When they attack, at least Running jacket and Laufcap to bright colors to Yellow in the best case – or neon-green-tones. In order to make, at least, in the twilight, much better attention.
Conclusion: Every night active runner has his health, on the Whole, even in the Hand. The choice of lighting for the body is large, this LED to improve-West and Reflectors of all kinds visibility. Who sets on bright running clothing, can fully liable pumped with Motivation and without fear of pain between cases, in the evening hours, the (soon to be no more dusty) shoes lace up.
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