Hotspot halls-EM? After athletics event in Poland, the number of infected athletes grows:indoor

Launch despite Corona: runner at the European athletics indoor Championships in Torun
© Alexander Hassenstein / Getty Images
The indoor European Championships in Poland Torun, at the beginning of March, the first major athletics competition since the beginning of the Corona pandemic. Now the consequences of the Events are becoming increasingly clear.
Two silver, four Bronze medals, seven times of Corona: This is the balance sheet of the German athletics Federation at the indoor European championship by 4. to 7. March in the Polish Torun. After returning from Poland seven athletes were in the DLV Team:inside positive for Covid-19 have been tested, announced the Association on Wednesday. “The positive test results were obtained only from Corona-follow-up checks in Germany,” said DLV Director-General Idriss Gonschinska. The test results prior to arrival would have been at the time of Check-In in Torun and before departure from the city were negative.
Warm-up hall as a source of infection?
The DLV-Athlete:the only ones that came back with the Coronavirus in the Luggage of the EM are not. The Italian athletics Federation, Fidal confirmed a report in the newspaper “Gazzetta dello Sport”, which is also 15 Italian:interior have been infected. The British Times also reports of nine infected members of the Teams from the UK and the Netherlands. In addition, five athletes to have an indoor from France, four from the Ukraine and one each from Poland, Austria and Ireland plugged in.
Also during the competitions, the Corona was an issue. So about three sprinters in the Polish 4×400-m had been-season tested positive.
According to the news Agency APA, the Austrian athletics Federation (ÖLV) suspected as the possible source of infection in Torun, in the warm-up hall of the competition, the Athlete had stopped in a small space. The ÖLV also called the name of his diseased contestant: Karin Strametz. The hurdles Sprinter had praised the safety of the event: “It couldn’t happen, you can collect nowhere what. So there’s absolutely no Worries”, had Schwanitz on the 6. March in the Germany radio insured.
Who of the DLV-Athlete:the inside is affected, said the Director-General Gonschinska. “To whom it may concern, exactly, is subject to medical confidentiality,” he said. It is comprehensive measures were initiated, the health authorities informed and more testing has been arranged according to a defined Schema. All 48 Starter:indoor and 19 supervisor:inside the halls-EM, had been informed of the Situation.
Below the line, but it needs to be stated that After the first major athletics event since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, an unusual accumulation of Covid is, in spite of strict hygiene measures-19-Infected notice. For the Olympic summer games, from 23. July to 8. August will take place in Tokyo, it is not a good sign.
Sources: DLV, Fidal, “The Times”, APA, Germany radio