Geiger is part of the new year, the Fifth jump – Kubacki wins in Garmisch

The Pole Dawid Kubacki won the new year’s jumping in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
With a podium finish for the German eagles at the new year’s nothing to become jumping. However, Karl Geiger and Markus eisenbichler will be at the four hills tournament more good in the race.
The great feelings of happiness were this time: Karl Geiger and Markus eisenbichler will not be able to continue to jump at the new year to their strong performances of the four-hills-tournament-start. Geiger was the best German on Friday in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, after all, still in fifth place, Eisenbichler fell back to rank four in the first round in seventh place. The victory at the tradition event on the Pole Dawid Kubacki, who, with a fabulous flight down to 144 metres, a hill record secured. Second, Halvor Egner Granerud was. The Norwegian in the overall standings, just in front of Geiger. Third place went to Piotr Zyla from Poland.
“The first jump was a bit late,” said Geiger, a self-critical in the ARD. “But overall, I am satisfied, I did not meant it to go so far forward.”
With his second jump, he was allowed to be happy. The rate is 138 meters catapulted the allgäu after rank 14 in the first attempt to the front. The ski flying world champion, has mastered this season a lot of difficulties, let the negative experience this time not from the back. After his jump on 131 meters, he had to shake its head in disappointment. “He has got no good conditions”, said national coach, Stefan Horngacher. “Now we must see to it that we catch up in the Second something.” The Geiger impressively.
More hopes on the German tour victory
In Eisenbichler, it went Vice versa. “Yes,” he had shouted after his first jump in front of snowy mountains, yet exultant. After his second attempt to 134 meters, the great euphoria of the Big Olympic ski jump was gone in Sunny winter weather.
Despite the difficult start to the year 2021, the hopes of the German Fans on the first tour victory since Sven Hannawald 19 years ago, absolutely intact. The friends Geiger and Eisenbichler, of the total, the fifth, are both still in the race. In the case of the 69. The output of the redoubts spectacle in four acts, it’s extremely tight.
A alone at the top as of Ryoyu Kobayashi 2018/19 or of Kamil Stoch, a year earlier, it is not foreseeable, even if the Norwegian Granerud illustrated on the Large Olympic hill with consistently strong jumps, why he was a Top favorite in the tour went.
Good overall result of the German eagle
The 24-Year-old won five of the first seven individual world Cup competitions and shows in this Winter, actually, not a weakness. Worse than rank four, he was not in 2020/21 yet. This place, a passionate runner, and a Hobby had a busy filmmaker is also in Oberstdorf.
Unlike Granerud other Norwegian favorites had to already new year’s eve from the race for the Golden eagle bid farewell to: Marius Lindvik, who was in Oberstdorf last Tuesday, the third, was unable to compete because of severe tooth pain in Garmisch, and after a jaw SURGERY in Innsbruck.
From the German Team of Martin Hamann brought along with iron Bichler and Geiger as the Eleventh, Pius Paschke on rank 16 and Richard Friday on the 27. Place still world Cup points. Severin boyfriend resigned, however, after a jump at 123 meters already after the first attempt. Also for Moritz Baer, Constantin Schmid and David Siegel, the Competition was soon to end.