Donald Trump goes, Joe Biden is coming: the move going in the White house

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Emma Teitel
Emma Teitel
Emma Teitel is an award-winning national affairs columnist with the Toronto Star who writes about anything and everything. She got her start at Maclean's Magazine where she wrote frequently about women's issues, LGBT rights, and popular culture.

The White house is preparing for a change of President. 20. January the so-called “Inauguration Day”, in which Joe Biden as the new U.S. President is sworn in. Schedule it on the same day in the White house a flying change. In the morning Breakfast here, according to the Protocol of the Trumps, in the afternoon, the Bidens relate along with more than 500 political staff of her new home. The move is a show of strength, because the White house is huge: It has 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms and eight staircases.

While Joe Biden swears on the stairs of the Capitol in Washington, D. C. his oath of office, the house staff in the White house already a long working day behind. Because they are the only people who remain in the White house after the President changes, take care of the move. From early Morning they carry furniture and moving boxes the President of the families and out.

Then the hour of parting strikes: If all goes as planned, leaving Donald Trump 10:30 a.m. the White house. Prior to that, he will say good – bye – if all goes as usual, but you know when Trump’s never-from the house staff. Traditionally, the difference will be the US President in a wooden box with two American flags presented to: one flew over the White house, as he was sworn in; the other in the morning, when he leaves the White house.

At 12 o’clock sharp, Joe Biden, the new commander-in-chief of the U.S. troops. Since then, the legendary case is handed over to the nuclear codes. However, from President to President, but a military pair passes it on to the next. In this case, the so-called “nuclear football,” will be from now on, in Joe Biden’s neighborhood.

Meanwhile, the great cleaning action that goes down in this year due to the Corona pandemic, particularly thoroughly: Every corner of the East and West Wing should be thoroughly disinfected begins in the White house. It is then rebuilt: All the paintings, desks and Sofas to be replaced – if the new U.S. President Joe Biden wishes. Carpets and curtains to be cleaned, a painter quirks patch on the walls, the florist put fresh flowers on.

The time is short, between 15:30 and 17 at the new President’s family to be welcomed. Then it says: trellis Biden stand for the new presidential couple, Joe and Jill.

For larger interior design projects and the design of the residence time is usually only after the move. The Congress approved the money took advantage of the presidents are different: Richard Nixon had a bowling alley building, Barack Obama has a full basketball court in the garden. And the outgoing First Lady, Melania Trump pressed on the device its stamp: the Last you had about the Rose garden remodel. Until now, Joe Biden has not told yet, what a personal touch he will give it to the White house.

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