Her Olympic dream
Combat sport without limbs? This man can not hinder
Jussef, Abu Amira does not hinder. The 24-year-old Palestinian lives in Gaza city. For a year he has a law degree in the bag, now he’s pursuing a new goal: to combat athletes. His Karate coach is very satisfied with his student. He was surprised that he could do some things better than people with arms and legs. In addition, he was very determined. O-TON ABU AMIRA, KARATE-FIGHTER: “I was born without limbs. Have helped me is my Faith in God and satisfaction. I was always satisfied, this is the most important. And I call for perseverance and determination, my reality out. I am determined and love life, I want to live.” Jussef, Abu Amira says he is not disabled, the company put him but always obstacles in the way. To stop the lawyer of don’t want to leave but. His dream is to take part one day in the Olympics.
Jussef, Abu Amira is a lawyer and martial artist. At first glance, is not unusual, but the 24-year-old Palestinian was born without arms and legs and has big goals.