The Second Lockdown
Sir Tom Moore, aimed at young people: “Call your grandparents!”

Sir Tom Moore founded the action “Walk and Talk” against loneliness
© Jacob King/PA Wire/ / DPA
The war veteran Tom Moore has collected during the first lock-downs of around € 36 million for the National health system NHS – and was beaten by the Queen to the knight. Now the 100-year-old Briton has a important Please.
The second Lockdown has been imposed in many countries of the world. However, in comparison to the first, in the spring of the greatest Christian celebrations of the year now stand in front of the door: the days of Christmas. In the contemplative time, the entire family usually meets at the common Feast. Baking cookies with grandma and grandpa seems to be able to but this year is not to be like the one we are used to. The British national hero, Tom Moore has a major appeal to young people: “Call your grandparents!” The 100-year-old war veteran knows the loneliness, to fight with a lot of older people on a daily basis. His wife, Pamela, lives in a nursing home. There, he visited her as often as he can, but many of the other residents never receive a visitor. “A lot of people at the Moment are not happy. I think it is up to us, wherever we can, to show a bit of kindness, even if it is difficult,” said Moore in a Podcast of the British newspaper “Metro”.
“Send a Christmas greeting that would be the most Beautiful of all”
Moore was surprisingly in the first corona wave the Star of the Nation. The then 99-Year-old collected with an athletic fundraiser for the National health system NHS. 100 rounds of he wanted to turn up to his 100th birthday with his Walker in his garden, to collect as 1000 pounds (about 1125 Euro). The action received a large echo in the media, nearly 36 million euros have come together for the good purpose. Received his 100 birthday of the veteran, the greatest tribute to the Royal family: The Queen knocked him to the Savior. Since then, he can call himself Sir Tom Moore.
With the second Lockdown Moore returns with a new action. Given the Isolation, the feel of the Older for months, it calls people to walk together and talk. “Walk and Talk”, he calls it. His charity Foundation, “The Captain Tom Foundation” launched the Hashtag WalkandTalk, by the people, their stories can share. “The young and the Old learn,” says Moore. The older Generation must make it through tough times, some survived two wars. This the young can learn to deal with the current corona crisis. “To send a Christmas card or a message, call, a video call would certainly be the most Beautiful,” Moore says of the “Metro”.
Source: “Metro”