Company responds
Instagram admits error: people with eating disorders got diet commercials displayed

Advertisement for weight loss can result in people with eating disorders quickly to a relapse
© Zinkevych / Getty Images
People who suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia, got in Instagram advertising for the better weight loss displayed. This is counterproductive and can even be dangerous. Now, the social network has responded.
You are insecure with yourself and in your dealings with others. Many did not ask for the courage to help. But you are seriously ill. For help and support people with eating disorders often turn to other instagram users. Other Sick show in the social media your way out of the eating disorder, and the courage to give advice – and with great success.
User-created users in social networks is a place for people who are similar to you. It is a nurturing environment and tight-knit Community. What can be for the mentally Ill, however, in this digital environment, is a massive Problem, is advertising. Many anorexia sufferers were last plays to Instagram Ads for diets and counting calories out. This is fatal, because it can have in the worst case, even fatal consequences.
Facebook admits errors
The company Facebook, belongs to Instagram, has recognized the Problem and error admitted. To the BBC, a spokesman, said that the Problem had been fixed on last Monday. “We have recently introduced a new search feature on Instagram that goes beyond Hashtags and username, in order to enable users to content you are most interested in, can be still to be discovered easier and explore,” adds the spokesman.
As a part of this new function should be suggested when you click on the search bar on the issues which you may want to search for. These issues had been limited to General interests. The Facebook-speaker to be compared to the BBC: “the weight loss would have been allowed to be a part of it.”
Contrary messages can be a Problem
“Eating disorders are the mental illnesses with the most deaths,” explains Dr. Joshua Wolrich, physician and author, in an interview with the BBC, and adds: “that is Why it is all the more important that you are treated in the right way.” If people Pica-followed Accounts, which would help you in your recovery, it is very harmful if you would suddenly presents exactly the opposite message.
Woolrich’s proposal: an optional function to switch Off from weight-loss related content on social networks. Lauren Black, Instagram-Influencerin, the recovering is currently looking for their lean, confirms the Thesis of the experts: “I could be triggered by these images and language, and a relapse will suffer.” When the young woman malicious content encountered on the platform, trying your Smartphone quickly set aside, so that it can’t affect you so much. To the BBC she said: “I know that there are extremely helpful Posts. But the trigger images should be stopped, because I don’t want to be bombarded, how should I lose weight.”
+++ Read also: anorexia – so you can recognize the insidious disease +++
Age restriction as a first measure
As a first measure, Instagram forbid all content, is the “promote eating disorders, encourage, or glorify”. The Posts that promote products for weight reduction, are now limited to about 18-Year-old. According to his own statements of Instagram Instagram is recommended in the Explore section of the App, only discussions about Fitness and healthy eating.
Source: “BBC”