Melina Sophie
Influencerin tattooed allegedly QR-Code on the forehead behind
Influencerin Melina Sophie left her Fans believe that she can be a QR Code on the forehead have tattooing – to promote your content better. You are now explained: The action was a joke, in reality, it was a serious issue.
At the beginning of the week, the Followers of Melina Sophie Baumann not trust saw your eyes as you think of the new Instagram Posts of Influencerin, which is on the Internet just as Melina Sophie is known. The 25-Year-old had a QR Code tattooed on your forehead. As Influencerin she earned most of their money from advertising, and the Code should make it more interesting for the company. This should be able to book the Tattoo, Followers could then scan the Code and go directly to the products. “The cool thing about this is, you have to swipe up in my Stories actually never back up to the top, I can give you a link now everything on my forehead,” she explained in her Instagram Story.
Among the followers of the Tattoo caused a huge wave. 3.6 million Accounts follow Melina Sophie on Instagram, on Youtube, there are more than 1.8 million. The reactions were horrified by other well-known Influencers. “Really now?” commented, for example, the Fitness blogger Sophia Thiel. The Tattoo was accessible to the topic of the week in the German-speaking Social Web, including a variety of media the Post.
Influencerin Melina Sophie shocked Fans with QR-Code
This was probably due to the fact that the story fit so well into the common stereotype: A young, reckless Youtuberin, the no action to be stupid in order to generate attention and money. Melina Sophie used this cliché once again, the more, by claiming that you have the Tattoo drunk stinging and repent for now: “I have to say drunk, I thought the idea was better.”
It soon turned out, however, that those should keep among their Fans, who did not want to believe the whole story right, right. In the case of the tattoo, it was just a joke, a Prank, as they say on the Internet. The Melina Sophie made it clear in a Video on Youtube. They also stated, however: “I have not made, of course, out of boredom, there’s a reason behind it.”
Advertising campaign for sustainable food
In fact, the alleged Tattoo is created in collaboration with a company that wants to educate with QR Codes on food packaging about where the food came from and how you and transports were made. As a result, consumers can, for example, to determine the environmental footprint of their food is.
The subject of nutrition, and sustainability was a “matter of survival”, but you didn’t want to “is a lot of attention to” attract, says Melina Sophie. She has – even if this message is likely to reach only a fraction of the people who had heard in the social networks or through media reports of the action.
Sources: Melina Sophie on Instagram / Melina Sophie on Youtube