She was ill with corona
Relatives want to cremate 76-year-olds. But she suddenly wakes up.

The relatives wanted to burn the presumed dead – as usual in India – on a pyre (symbol photo)
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In India, a woman has been declared dead after suffering from coronavirus. However, shortly before her cremation, the 76-Year-old opened her eyes again.
The village community had already gathered around the stretcher on which 76-year-old Shakuntala Gaikwad was laid to rest. The old woman had tested positive for the coronavirus a few days earlier. When her condition worsened, her family took her in a private car to the city of Baramati in the Indian state of Maharashtra to get a bed in a hospital. India is currently experiencing a violent second corona wave that is overloading hospitals.
While she was waiting in the car, according to reports in the Indian Today and Khaleej Times, the woman passed out and stopped moving. The family assumed that the woman had died. She is also said not to have reacted to attempts at resuscitation. They therefore informed their relatives of the last rites and took the old woman home to the nearby village of Mudhale.
Presumed dead awakes shortly before cremation
While the relatives mourned the loss, the woman was put on a stretcher for her last journey. But in the last minute before the pyre was lit, Gaikwad woke up. When she was shocked to find that her relatives were ready to set her on fire, she began to cry and was immediately taken to a hospital. Meanwhile, she is being cared for at the Silver Jubilee Hospital in Baramati.
A similar case occurred two years ago in Thailand. There, a supposedly dead 70-year-old had been taken to a temple. She had previously suffered from severe thyroid problems. Just moments before her body was to be shoved into the incinerator, her husband washed her face and noticed that his wife was still breathing.

A year earlier, a prisoner in Spain who had been declared dead had woken up again in a body bag. He had previously been found in his prison cell with a blue face and no sign of life. Three doctors had previously unanimously determined the death of the 29-year-old man. Because he was unable to speak, he made sounds to draw attention to his situation. A doctor heard this and freed the man. As a result, treatment was immediately initiated.
Source: “Today India”, ” Khaleej Times”