Healthy Diet
Healthy, cheap, Unhealthy expensive supermarkets in the Netherlands, the start Experiment

The vegetable Department of a Dutch supermarket
© Rob Engelaar / Picture Alliance
Ingredients for a simple salad, sometimes you have more than three frozen pizzas, a hip-Packed oats porridge twice as much as colorful Cornflakes. No wonder that customers buy as many unhealthy products – or?
It is a vexing truth: Unhealthy food usually tastes very good. This is due to the large amounts of fat, salt and/or sugar, which are included in it, to taste enhancers or additives, which ensure that you’d like to eat more of them. Since this is obviously not healthy, should have worked more people, and vitamin richer products are attacking. But, regardless of the taste, the price is an Argument as to why customers are more likely to Snacks as a salad.
And wants to tackle a large Dutch supermarket chain, now available in eight branches in the country for a year. Coop rolls up its markets, complete: vegetables, fruit, and healthy, worked as non-products will be cheaper, Unhealthy and calorie-rich is expensive. In addition, the agreed to swap their places on the shelf: The healthy food can be placed at eye level, where the customers can access the most.
Signs point to healthy products
Also in the checkout area of the range is changed: Instead of Snacks and cigarettes, for example, healthy snacks such as unsalted nuts will be offered. In addition, recommended products, and a Sticker on the shelf that points to the top of the stretched thumb emblazoned. Healthy products in the market, easy to spot to grab the most convenient and favorable in price, you can entice the customers to eat is actually better? To find out, the chain Coop with scientists, the track for a year, as the offer is accepted.
The researchers have the freedom to change prices at any time and customize. Scientist Josine Stuber, which is part of the project team, says the Dutch newspaper “AD”: “We offer the unhealthy cheese a bit more expensive and the healthier a little cheaper. With a sign we make to the temporary reduction in the price of the attention. It is unique in that we are allowed to do as a researcher.”
The markets are located in economically depressed neighborhoods
All of the eight markets that are participating in the Experiment, are located in the urban areas, where the priority of human life, earning little, and often have health problems. 115 of them have stated that they are willing to do regularly for your purchases in the respective Coop market and of the science of blood pressure, cholesterol, and waist circumference learning to investigate. “We hope to see after a year, a small improvement. This would mean that such adjustments to the entire population would, in the long term bring great health benefits, ” says Stuber.
Source: “AD”