It is one of the most prestigious religious Offices of the Turkey for the First time, after 86 years of imams were last July, and again in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul professions. With Mehmet Boynukalın a man to the chief leader was made, whose family history is connected closely with the political Islam in Turkey, and in conservative religious circles a lot of support. After about eight months, the body is now free again.
8. April Boynukalın is, surprisingly, by his influence, the office range resigned. He wanted to dedicate himself to his academic studies, he shared in a Statement. Perhaps the step was not carried out, however, quite voluntarily, believes a political scientist and columnist Pinar Tremblay. Because the Imam has been mixed in the past few months, again and again, in political debates, and thus incur the wrath of some of the AKP politician to be drawn.
“If I had to make a bet, I would say, Boynukalın was pushed because of his comments to the step,” she says. In the past years, it has become in Turkey is almost impossible, of high Offices to withdraw. High-ranking officials would have to be approved by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan””.
That, of all things, the Imam of the Hagia Sophia ensures debates, is likely to come for the Turkish President’s inconvenient. Last summer, the Supreme administrative court had cleared the way for the reconversion of the Museum into a mosque. Previously, this step was requested from Islamic circles, and in various election campaigns have been made on the topic.
The first Friday prayer on the 24th. July 2020 for Erdoğan, and also for many believers, then a historic day. It was staged the event as an act of state. About 350,000 of the faithful had come to this, she remained part for hours on the forecourt of the Hagia Sophia. At the ceremony in the back of consecrated the house of God himself hand-picked the guests were allowed to participate, including high-ranking politicians, and friends of the family Erdoğan.
In the case of Opposition and abroad, for the transformation of the historic building caused a lot of criticism. The Turkish President said, however, of a true become “dream of our youth”. Always re-emerged in connection with the conversion of the Hagia Sophia mosque, also words like “re-conquest” and “resurrection”. Accordingly, significant is the position as the Imam of the house.
Close Links to the Turkish politics
The family Boynukalın has for decades maintained a close relationship to political, economic and religious orders. In the faithful and conservative circles, the Name has a certain reputation. Already a father Rifat was a Confidant of the former Turkish Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan. This is, in turn, as a pioneer of political Islam in the Turkish Republic and he was the political father of today’s President Erdoğan.
Boynukalın is also excellent. The four-time father first visited the Egyptian al-Azhar University, and then in Istanbul PhD. He is a Professor of Islamic law and has worked on the Islam encyclopedia. His appeal to the chief Imam of the Hagia Sophia arrived in the conservative Islamic environment, as well as his significant Statements in the social networks.
Boynukalın operates three Twitter accounts – one Turkish, English and Arabic. In his country, he reached more than 200,000 Followers. In the ranks of the AKP, the Tweets of the Imams have made in the past few weeks, however, on several occasions for criticism.
The first public confrontation between a member of the party, and the Imam, it came at 7. March. In the face of rising Femizide in Turkey, the issue of violence against women on the day before the international women’s day, in the focus of public debate. Boynukalın was balanced on Twitter: “murder is murder. Gender is irrelevant.” The continuous emphasis of Femiziden was a Slogan of the media propaganda, in order to make women to the enemy of men, re-tweeted Boynukalın.
Criticism of Tweets about women’s day
The AKP Deputy Özlem Zengin described the Statements made on demand as “inappropriate” and criticized the timing of the Tweets. Boynukalın had better do his Job, she said. The consequences, however, especially for Zengin. Back coverage, you only got some of the ACP-middle journalists. Boynukalın received, however, encouragement of his followers.
Something similar happened shortly after the AKP Deputy Chairman Bülent Turan. This responded to comments made by the Imam to the key interest rate. Boynukalın had called for the reduction or complete abolition of interest. The Statement came after Erdoğan had again fired a head of the Central Bank.
Turan exhorted the Imam, from political debates to stay out of this. It was “sad” that Boynukalın, he said to himself in polemics dazzle, which accounted for his role in the newly renovated mosque in the shadows. Also, he got the brunt of Boynukalıns felt followers in social networks.
The content of contradict the Tweets of the Imam not necessarily reflect those of the ACP-line. So why do you ensure that politicians of the preacher places publicly against the influence?
Imams are considered to be public servants
Political scientist Tremblay is believed that this is for several reasons. The main explanation for the wrath of the ACP officials is the role of the Imam. Leader of Diyanet mosques, such as the Hagia Sophia is one that would be seen as a public servant. “To you it is prohibited, in political debates to interfere. The state controls what is allowed to say the imams in the Public and not the other way around,” she says.
“The state controls what is allowed to say the imams in the Public and not the other way around.”
Political Scientist Pinar Tremblay
The ACP have benefited from this policy in the past two decades. Such an influential Imam, which manifests itself again and again, loudly, politically, is not desirable. The ACP but to remain in control and the imams are not too much Power outside of the mosques to give. It could be also the reason for Boynukalıns resignation.
A successor to the Post of chief Imam of the Hagia Sophia yet. It could be hard to find someone of Boynukalıns Format, believes Tremblay. Maybe they wanted to say in the future, but also prefer a less high-level academics for the Post, you. “All we are in the Moment can say is that they are looking for someone who is not on Twitter before he does not have the permission from Ankara has gotten.”