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News about the Corona pandemic
RKI reports 8072 new infections cases from North Rhine-Westphalia followed reports

Bremen: An employee from the vaccination centre holds a syringe with the Covid-19 vaccine in Hand
© Sina Schuldt / DPA
Corona crisis contribution debts with the insurance companies to grow +++ brewers must not dispose of sale of draught beer +++ The News about the Coronavirus pandemic in the star-Ticker.
More than 8000 Corona infections in Germany
The German health authorities have reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 8072 Corona infections within a day. In addition, 813 new deaths were recorded within 24 hours, the Numbers of the RKI from Wednesday shows. In these current Pay 600 late registration of new infections from North Rhine should be-Westphalia contain that were missing, according to the RKI, the day before. Exactly one week ago, the RKI had recorded 9705 new infections and 975 new deaths within 24 hours.
The data on the state of the RKI-time Dashboards, 05.30 p.m., subsequent Changes or additions to the RKI are possible.
The peak of 1244 new reported deaths was 14. January has been achieved. In the within 24 hours of registered new infections was 33.777 on 18. In December, the highest value has been reported therein 3500 late registration were included.
The number of of a Corona infection are recovering people RKI amounted to approximately 2,073 million. The so-called Seven-day incidence for the first time fell below 70 and fraud on Tuesday 68,0. In the past few weeks, the value was decreased continuously.
Chancellery wants Lockdown to 14. March extend
The Federal Chancellery wants to the Corona-Lockdown until 14. March extend. This is evident from an updated proposal for the consultations with the countries on the afternoon of Wednesday, the AFP is present. Hairdressers are subject to conditions, from 1. March may open, for the Opening of the retail trade is still no date is mentioned. On the Opening of schools and day care centers for the countries to decide for themselves.
Biontech starts vaccine manufacturing in Marburg
The Mainz-based company Biontech has started in his new factory in the Hessian town of Marburg with the production of the coronavirus vaccine. As a first step, the messenger molecule mRNA to be produced, the company said on Wednesday. Biontech had received a few days ago, the medicine legal permission to do so. In the first half of the year 2021 in Marburg 250 million doses of the vaccine, Biontech and its U.S. partner, Pfizer should be made. The first at the site of Marburg produced vaccines are delivered according to the company, is expected in early April.
EU Parliament gives Corona-construction funds in the billions
The European Parliament has formally given the green light for the multi-billion dollar Corona-building Fund. As on Wednesday, it was announced, the chamber of deputies for the financial program in the amount of 672,5 billion euros. Now, the member States have to agree. EU Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said in the debate in plenary in Brussels, you can see a quick procedure. On the Friday of the building plan could be signed, therefore, under. The structure and resilience facility at the heart of the reconstruction plan of the European Union. The money to fight the consequences of the pandemic and targeted investments. At least 37 per cent of the expenditure in each country should go in climate protection, and a fifth in the digitization. Also, the youth, the economic and social cohesion and the strengthening of the institutions to be funded with the funds. Germany could get, according to the current state of 22.7 billion euros.
Germany tourism breaks in the Corona-crisis year
Travel restrictions and, at times, overnight bans for individuals in the Corona pandemic, have made the hotel industry in Germany 2020 with full force. According to data from the Federal Statistical office, the number of overnight Stays fell by travelers from home and abroad, compared with the year-on-year increase of 39.0 per cent to a record low of 302.3 million. It was the lowest level since the Existence of the total German results in the year 1992, as the Wiesbaden authority confirmed on Wednesday on request. The number of overnight Stays by guests from the domestic market declined year-on-year to just over one third (minus 33.4%) on 270,3 million. In travelers from abroad an even stronger decline of almost two-thirds (recorded minus 64.4 percent) to 32.0 million.
Kretschmann: “no one can expect opening orgies”
Baden-württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has dampened expectations for quick loosening of Corona rules. If the country-wide incidences are over a certain period of time and under 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, will you go to the cautious opening of the steps, he said the “Badische Zeitung”. “No one can expect us to start an opening Orgy.“ The situation is too fragile. “The experiences of other countries show that lead To early Openings to setbacks, and in order to even harsher measures.” Everyone had to limit his contacts.
For declining consent to the pandemic politics of the population Kretschmann said: “If one were to compare the fight against the Virus with a war, I would say, The people are getting tired of war.”
Corona crisis contribution debts with the insurance companies to grow
In the corona crisis, debt Insured in the social insurance higher Contribution accumulated. The residues of workers and employers in the statutory health, pensions, unemployment insurance and care insurance grew in a year by around 700 million to EUR 18 billion in 2020. This is from one of the German press Agency, this response from the Federal Ministry of social Affairs to a request of the AfD in the Bundestag out. The largest share of the contribution of residues of the self-employed and other accounted for 9.6 billion euros voluntarily Insured by the health insurance. Alone in her mountain of debt grew up to 544 million euros within a year.
Brewers must not dispose of sale of draught beer
Due to the extended Lockdown inalienable keg of beer for the German brewing industry is a growing Problem. “The Breweries have to tilt millions of values in the Gully,” said the managing Director of the German brewers Association, Holger Eichele. Especially regional farms, which were heavily by the gastronomy and solid business depends, would have to destroy beer in great style, as well as the drinks trade. Reason, the date of minimum durability, the will in more and more cases. The total amount of vernichtetem beer could not be estimated. “Not all beer, which was previously returned, had to be destroyed, and not all of the beer, which was not drunk, was brewed,” said Eichele.