For the first time in the world
Corona-patients are given a lung transplant from living donors
In this week’s nationwide 35.000 house doctors want to get started with vaccination against Corona. Some practices will start this Tuesday, others are still waiting for the vaccine, and want to follow in the next days.
Initially, only a small offering of in-house physicians. In the first week, all the practices together 940.000 doses of the vaccine. These are mathematically well-26 doses per practice. In the week of 26. April gives it a boost, then the practices can expect a total of more than three million doses. This would be for the first time, more than for these include.
Also for physician practices in the specified order, who can first be vaccinated at all. A Central invitation for the patient, there is not, as the Federal Ministry of health explained. How to assign Vaccinations, can regulate the practices themselves.
Japanese Doctors have implanted a Corona patient’s lung tissue from living donors. A husband and a son, saved the patient’s life.
It’s a medical first: never before has a genesener Corona Patient had received a lung transplant from living donors. Now it is managed to a 30-member medical team of the Kyoto University hospital in Japan, the implantation of a patient’s lung tissue of her husband and of her son. The woman was ill at the end of last year to Corona, and had, according to the hospital, months in a life support ventilation to the area to machine. Her lung function had been damaged by the viral disease to such an extent that they would have had without the transplant, no chances of Survival.
Hope for lung injured patients
An infection with the Corona Virus can cause in some patients, severe lung damage, it is now known. Many convalescent Corona patients worldwide have received, therefore, already in lung transplant from brain-dead donors in order to secure their Survival. According to the Kyoto University Hospital in an eleven hour session was carried out Operation in which tissue from living donors has been transplanted was the first of its kind, Dr. Hiroshi Date, thoracic surgeon and a senior surgeon, believes that he and his Team make a successful transplant can give many lung damaged Corona-patients ‘ hope: “We have shown that we now have a possibility of lung transplantation from living donors,” he said at a press conference as “CNN” reported. Transplants from brain-dead donors in Japan is still a rarity and often require long waiting times until a suitable donor could be found. The Kyoto University Hospital said, according to “CNN”, graft consider ions from living donors as a better Option.
The family of the affected patient comes from Japan, Western Kansai Region. Husband and son of the woman had immediately offered the parts of your lung tissue for their family members. The two are since the procedure is in a stable condition, the patient is still in the ICU. According to information from the hospital you should be able to in about two months of returning home.
Source: “CNN”