Before the start of the pandemic Enise Lauterbach quit her Job as a chief of medicine, and founded a Start-up. Your goal: the medicine digitizing. Because she has a suspicion, why is Germany so badly by the crisis.
MIRROR: Woman Lauterbach, they were the chief doctor in Trier, and have calculated terminated shortly before the start of the pandemic do their Job. Why?
Lauterbach: I love my profession as a cardiologist, but the problems that we and our patients are in the health care system faced, have prompted me to change something. Germany’s innovations in the stone age.

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Enise Lauterbach, 46, is a specialist in cardiology with specializations in Rhythmology and heart failure treatment. It was until the summer of 2019, the chief of the cardiology Department of the center for outpatient Rehabilitation in Trier. Today, she manages the Start-up “Lemoa Medical” Software for digital health applications.
MIRROR: What do you mean by that?
LauterbachExchange of information is awful to say it casually. In Germany, Doctors communicate with each other is still via telephone, Fax and Post. Most of the documents come with the mail carrier. The introduction of the electronic patient record has been decided in 2003 – and nothing has been done.
If I needed a file, the only by Fax, or if the information were the days with the postman on the way. If for patient appointments for follow-up studies need to be made, are hours and hours of grinding for us to wait Employed in the health sector are not uncommon. This is a disaster, it made me mad, after all, it is about people’s lives. Some of the transfer of the results does not tolerate time delay. I wanted to do something about it.
MIRRORThe pandemic came.
Lauterbach: Yes, and it has shown us that Germany has missed the Digitalization security platoon. In schools, Offices, hospitals, everywhere.
MIRRORWe have mastered therefore, the crisis is so bad?
Lauterbach: That is certainly one reason, but also the mindset of the German plays a role: We are generally very conscientious and tend to have a 120-percent perfection. Therefore, we hesitate to often, until everything is perfect, almost pedantic. There are a few decision-makers, as well as politicians who have the courage to dare to do things. Pragmatism is missing.
An example: Many Doctors, I have reported since December, voluntarily, to work in these include and mobile vaccination Teams. We are accustomed to night work and shift work, no Problem, we could vaccinate seven days a week, 24 hours a day, vaccinate, vaccinate. But then we hear that some of these include close on Friday afternoon at 13 o’clock, and the other on holidays and on the weekend not to open. The lack of understanding for me.
MIRROR: You established after your termination of a Start-up medical services. What have you experienced?
LauterbachThat was definitely not simple. I have written in the summer of 2019, a concept, and then I went to the Bank. After that, it has taken more than half a year, until I got an appointment at the notary. Here, too, most of the works by Fax, by post or by personal appearance. It was very difficult. If all of the founders have problems with such a start, I can understand why hardly anyone is founded.
MIRROR: What makes your company?
Lauterbach: Software, we are a small Team, currently with a staff of five. My husband is a co-founder. We have developed two Apps. “Cons!l!to,” a Messenger for the health care and “heart-Hero”, a digital health application for heart patients.
MIRRORYou were chief, had you cancel no fear of your Job and go to failure?
LauterbachI have asked myself the question: What’s the worst that could happen? You can embarrass you terribly, you will be able to move in a disastrous financial situation. But I had the procrastinator, the pedants and concerns carrier sick of it. Once you have to start.
MIRRORAre you brave?
Lauterbach: I think so. My parents came here in the 1970s as guest workers, to them it was given nothing. They had to kneel in. Maybe this is what some decision-makers in this country, just The will to make time missing:.
MIRROR: Last question – do you have a now quite prominent names. Do You Know Karl?
Lauterbach: Personally, I don’t know him, but technically I appreciate him very much.