United Kingdom
59-Year-old dies after vaccination with Astrazeneca: family calls for confidence in the vaccine

A British man has died two weeks after vaccination with Astrazeneca. His family is calling on the public to trust in the vaccine.
© Lennart Preiss / AFP
“‘My brother had simply extraordinary bad luck,” says the sister of a 59-Year-old Briton, who died two weeks after vaccination with Astrazeneca in a result of a blood clot. The family calls for the use of the vaccine continues.
A fit and healthy man he’d been – in spite of the Briton Neil Astles died after vaccination with Astrazeneca. The 59-Year-old had complained of severe headache, before he died on Easter Sunday in a result of a blood clot or a bleed in the brain. His family is calling on the public to trust in the controversial vaccine Astrazeneca.
“‘My brother had simply extraordinary bad luck,” said the British “Daily Mail”, Astles’ sister, Alison, is, in itself, a pharmacist. “Despite what has happened to our family, we firmly believe that everyone should be aware of the first and second dose of the Astrazeneca vaccine. Emotionally, we are absolutely furious. We suffer. But there’s nothing we could really be angry.”
Astrazeneca for Under-30-Year-old
On Thursday, the UK has not been announced, the use of the vaccine at the University of Oxford for Under-30-Year-old. Currently, there is no sound evidence that Astrazeneca caused the clot.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that vaccination with Astrazeneca was safe, and many lives would be saved. In the UK, 79 cases of blood are currently clots in patients known to become. There are more than 20 Million doses were inoculated. In Germany, the Constant Impfkomission recommended to vaccinate only about 60-Year-old with Astrazeneca. Younger people, however, can get at his own request, also the vaccine.
Astles died two weeks after the vaccination
Neil Astles lived in the Region of Merseyside. On 17. In March he had received his vaccination. He is the first dead Person of great Britain, which is named after one of Astrazeneca in connection matched blood clots. Astles had been admitted last weekend, after ten days with a severe headache and steady vision loss with the intense pulsation of the Royal Liverpool hospital. He died there on Easter Sunday.
Source: “The Daily Mail”