Irrational Impfangst
Anxiety researcher about Astrazeneca vaccination: “The majority of people weigh the risks completely wrong”

Borwin Bandelow is a physician and a psychologist. He’s diseases Professor of psychiatry and psychotherapy, University of Göttingen, an expert on anxiety – and, more Recently, vaccinator.
© Borwin Bandelow
Why do people have more fear of vaccine side effects than from the deadly Virus? Anxiety researcher Borwin Bandelow explains why our brain makes when in danger, irrational decisions, and he holds the suspension of the Astrazeneca-vaccination is a mistake.
Mr Bandelow, why have so many people to be afraid of Corona vaccination and its possible side effects, although it protects against a potentially deadly Virus?
If, supposedly, a new danger threatens, we have before that a disproportionate amount of fear. This leads to irrational decisions. At the beginning of the Corona crisis, it is the hoarding of yeast and toilet paper. Then many people are afraid of Biontech vaccine had, because the mRNA technology is a new development and people have talked, their DNA would be changed. Now, Biontech is at once the good vaccine and Astra, the people are afraid. Also in the case of vaccines is just: What the farmer doesn’t know, he’s not eating.
Why is ticking, and we like that?
There are in the brain has two centers: the fear of the brain and the rational brain. You must be thought of as two authorities of a town hall, which do not always work together well. The reason the brain can understand the facts and Figures. The fear, the brain is an evolutionary point of view, a primitive, old System, which is effective to warn of dangers, and, therefore, in crisis situations, our Thinking is determined. But it just can’t deal with statistics.
The statistics say that serious side-effects of vaccination, even when Astra vaccine are extremely rare. Who can not be vaccinated, is the victim of his fear brain?
Exactly. Most of the people are now afraid in front of the Astra vaccine, weigh the risks completely wrong. One Million corona infected about 20,000 die from the Virus, out of a Million Vaccinated only a hand gets serious side effects, and the EMA is not currently believes that the number of thromboembolic events is higher than in non-vaccinated. However, the EMA will only at 18. In March, a final Statement. But now it is clear: You don’t need to master the three, to see what is more likely to occur. Also in the case of many drugs, there is a small statistical Chance of getting serious side effects and die, maybe, even. Most people take but because you treat serious diseases with it. This Risk assessment, we make daily at drugs that are going wrong in the Astra-vaccine completely.
You keep the suspension of the Astra vaccinations because of the possible risk of thrombosis so wrong?
When the thrombosis occurs in Vaccinated more often than it is already expected in the population, then this decision is fatal. Unfortunately, people who don’t understand the very simple rules of the statistics, but then make a decision to sit in the ministries and authorities often. Just so you can say: We went on the safe side. Who says he puts the vaccinations again, to doubts about the vaccine have been removed, has sown in the Moment of this doubt.
And then remain in the minds, even if they are later removed, and reduce the Impfbereitschaft?
Yes, it is a fatal sign, because of these Doubts always something hanging will remain. Also in terms of effectiveness, the Astra vaccine, for many, still a bad reputation, even though we know now that he also works at the Old well. An other effect is still to come: If you Vaccinate, you meet an active choice, and the one could fret afterwards, Yes. If you can’t get, however, Corona, many see this as such a thing as fate, even if you can prevent it by vaccination would have done. A typical illogic of our fear brain.
How can you convince the people to listen to your reason, the brain, and to get vaccinated?
The reason the brain of most people understood that a long time ago. The fear of the brain to respond better to pictures than Numbers. When I see a 90-year-old grandma, who can be vaccinated and nothing happens, then that will affect the anxiety the brain more, as if a scientist sets and statistics lectures. If older celebrities publicly vaccinate, that would help also.
Are you self-vaccinated yet?
I am for my employees in the hospital as a vaccinator active, I inoculated both Biontech, as well as Astra. A week ago, I was new to the game and was vaccinated with Astra. I got a slight fever, was a day tired and the drive arm. But I knew exactly what was happening with me and then for me, that was also not bad. On the third day after vaccination, it was all over.