According to Astrazeneca-stop: “a Free choice of the vaccine” for police officers
This prick on the site of the riot police in Mainz, Germany, was definitely something Special. In Rhineland-Palatinate, the first employee of the police have received on Thursday, a Corona vaccine. Currently, people are once in the series, which will now operate four these include the police in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. In addition to police officers from around the country, including medical staff. After that, those police officers are the First in the series that have the most contact with other people. For Example, Patrol Officers. The Minister of the interior of Rhineland-Palatinate, Roger Lewentz: “So if you look at the service of our police, in particular, in Corona-times. Police have to go in case of doubt in a very close contact with people, the resistance, the order of the resist. But already in the patrol car, you can keep no distance at all. Because it is not that you sit far apart, but we have confined situations. We have situations where direct contact with the body is extremely important. And it is perfectly clear that for the internal security of the police must be ready to use. And that’s why it was extremely important to me that our police force is very vaccinated early. The Impfbereitschaft within the Rhineland-Palatinate police, according to Lewentz large. A total of more than 11,000 police officers for the vaccinations have registered. This corresponds to a rate of about 80 percent. In the case of vaccination of the officers of the vaccine by AstraZeneca is used.
The Berlin police is vaccinated, in spite of the Astrazeneca-stops more. For the free choice of the vaccine is “now,” said a police spokesman.
After the stop of the vaccinations with Astrazeneca, Berliners and police officers with other vaccines protect. In the meantime, there is “the free choice of the vaccine,” said a police spokesman for the German press Agency. Until last Monday already 8592 service forces, the police would have accepted the offer of the Vaccination, and a corresponding Impfcode receive. How many were vaccinated up to now, actually, the police are not accurate.
Voluntary vaccinations for 12,000 police officers
The Berlin Senate had offered at the end of February and the first and second voluntary vaccinations for 12,000 police officers. 24.000 doses of the vaccine by Astrazeneca were provided, should be vaccinated in the center of Tegel airport. According to the preliminary failure of Astrazeneca, the has changed.
The police had set an internal prioritization, based on the Coronavirus-Impfverordnung. First, police officers should be vaccinated, have a greater risk to come in contact with the Virus, such as patrol officers and the members of the deployment of hundreds of riot police, which in the case of large operations, or demonstrations, on-the-go.