Global warming
Researchers call for emergency against climate change: just the sun “dim down”

Clouds can help protect the earth from too much sun.
© Christian Horz / Getty Images
The National Academies of Sciences of the United States want to explore the Solar Engineering. If the sun shuts down a gear, it is braked climate change. But the risks are great.
Climate change is directly linked to industrialization. The Central idea of him, at least, reduce it, the consumption of fossil fuels to reduce extreme. In addition there are other approaches: to bring About CO2 from the atmosphere and store – whether it be by technical equipment, such as CO2 vacuum cleaner from Climeworks, or the classic by afforestation. There are Long ideas, by the use of more technology directly into the climate to intervene. To do this, the Plan is to fertilize the cold Eismeere with minerals, so that there is more biomass is about. Or ideas, by means of special robot ships a higher clouds to produce density, which then reflect the sun’s rays.
Emergency brake, if the reduction is not enough
The National Academies of Sciences (NAS) of the United States are now demanding that a 100-million-Dollar research program will be launched to solar Geoengineering. The NAS are of the opinion that the reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels is the key measure in the fight against climate change. The scientists also: What happens if the reduction is not enough? Is about as much CO2 in the atmosphere.
Geo-engineering on this scale is considered to be risky, as it is hardly possible to estimate what can happen if the man changed the global climate intentionally. Also, it is unclear whether such measures can ever be undone. The Academy it comes to basic research. Outdoor experiments should only be allowed if they provide Knowledge that can not be obtained. The program should conduct research and “should not be designed for the future use of these interventions to advance”.
“Given the urgency of the climate crisis, Geoengineering must Solar to be investigated further,” said Professor Marcia McNutt, the President of the Academy. “But just like in the case of advances in areas like artificial intelligence and Gene-editing, you must include the science to the Public, not only to ask whether we can do it, but whether we should.”
Manipulations of the cloud layer
In the report, there are three types of Solar mention of Geoengineering, with the aim of slowing the warming. All aim to ensure that less of the sun’s energy reaching the ground. A method is a glitter cloud to the atmosphere. Then tiny reflective particles would be blown into the stratosphere, which would reflect a part of the sun’s light back into space. Or you could make deeper-lying clouds “white”, so let less light through. Or the formation of high-altitude Cirrus clouds inhibit, so that more energy from the earth is radiated.
The Problem with these methods is that no one can accurately say what the side effects would these interventions. Because here is not produced, unlike in the case of withdrawal of CO2, a condition as it was 100 years ago, prevailed. But the conditions in the atmosphere are artificially re-adjusted. Thus, changes in the formation of clouds could have an impact on air currents and rain.
“The U.S. research program of the Solar-Geoengineering should only serve to help the company to make more informed decisions,” soothes Professor Chris Field of Stanford University. In comparison to other investments in the fight against climate change, the cost of 100 to 200 million dollars over five years are more likely to be low. Bill Gates is already supporting a project of the Harvard University. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), the want to test out this year, an experimental balloon over Sweden.
Source: NAS, Sciencemag
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