Los Angeles
Perfidious tactics: police officer wants to protect their Copyright-protected music Livestream

Police officers in the United States are more filmed the per
© Alessandro Photo / Getty Images
With automatic music recognition, many social media before you go against copyright violations. Police officers in Los Angeles want to use the, apparently, for their own purposes.
It is a mass problem: Because a lot of people are not familiar with copyright, but nevertheless, video clips or live streams on social networks, see Facebook, Youtube and co. constantly complain of the music industry exposed. Automatic detection of protected music helps to solve these problems. Now police officers in Los Angeles to make use of the in order to prevent unwanted recordings.
The activist Sennett Devermont accuses you. He was on Friday in a guard of the LA Police Department in the famous neighborhood of Beverly Hills, to ask to see a record of a body camera. Devermont operates a Instagram channel, in which he documented filmed violations of civil servants, the police according to already known. Also on this day, he is streaming live, as he speaks with the police officers. And suddenly gets a music-Deposit playing.
And suddenly – music
In the middle of the conversation, Devermont confronted the officers with the many police violence linked to Blue-Lives-Matter-Logo on the everyday mask that starts the officials to ignore him and his Smartphone. Instead, he wipes on your own Smartphone and begins quite abruptly, Ska music play. Only after about a Minute of music is sound, he begins to react to speeches.
This is no coincidence, believes Devermont. “He’s trying to play copy-protected music,” he explains the manoeuvres during the Streams. It’s not about the police officer, therefore, easy with the music off, you will see in a short time later outside the guard recorded Video. As Devermont confronted the officials from the first Clip on the street with the accusation, turning the easy-to return to the music. And: With the fingers he holds his own body camera. A clear indication that he does not want to see the incident prefer to be documented.
Take advantage of a safeguard measure
The idea behind the procedure is simple. To avoid Trouble with the right owners, to recognize the social networks of Tiktok to Instagram-protected songs. One of them is discovered in a video clip, it is still locked during the Upload. Support the detection can be triggered. Then, for each aborted to the platform of the Stream, or it is simply muted. Both are good is a police officer who wants to see his conversation rather not documented.
The mesh did not work in the documented case, may be due to the fact that Instagram in may of last year dealing with pieces of music in the live streams, revised. Instead of each Stream should be discontinued immediately, the algorithm to recognize, now, how a piece of music is at the core of the clip. So to prevent that constantly live streams will be interrupted if, for example, in the Background, a neighbor, or a bar of music is running.
Live recordings are about explicitly allowed. It is intended to give a visual component, recommends Instagram in the new guidelines. A pure stream music the complete songs playing, and I “limited,” warns the Directive. Also, the length of the played music piece plays a role: The well-known musician, Swiss Beatz announced during a live stream, that he could not play his own music for longer than 90 seconds – because otherwise he would itself as the legal owner of the victims of auto-detection.
Mesh is investigated
In fact, it does not seem to be the first Time that police officers are trying to tie in the affected Wake up with music, movies under. According to Devermont, there was earlier a similar incident when a police officer began abruptly, the Beatles Song “In My Life” to play. The Clip had not been published, to have him but the sifting, confirmed to the magazine “Vice”. With the incidents faced, said the guard to the magazine that the playback of music when in contact with citizens was “not a recommendation of the police leadership of Beverly Hills”. You’ll investigate the case. Didn’t work the mesh, however, The live streams were continuously sent, the records are in Instagram to available.
The U.S. police officer to be filmed, not only with the advent of the smartphone. In recent years, the abuse of U.S. citizens was several times by police only by film recordings, often in connection with racism. The most influential record, was the death of the African-American who was arrested for paying with a counterfeit 20-Dollar bill, and died after a police officer had knelt minutes long on his neck. For Devermont of the films is, therefore, a necessity. On his channel a clear call: “Always film the police found”.
Sources: Instagram, Newsweek, Vice