“Major” and “Champ” draw it again in the White house

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Emma Teitel
Emma Teitel
Emma Teitel is an award-winning national affairs columnist with the Toronto Star who writes about anything and everything. She got her start at Maclean's Magazine where she wrote frequently about women's issues, LGBT rights, and popular culture.

The two shepherd dogs of the US-President Joe Biden are back in the White house. A spokesman for the First Lady Jill confirmed Biden on Wednesday on request. The younger of the two dogs, “Major”, have now “to get additional Training,” said the speaker on. Biden had announced in an Interview with broadcaster ABC that a dog work trainer with “Major” after it had been in the White house incident.

In early March, Major had hurt a human. He and the second Biden-dog “Champ” had spent a few days in the house of the Biden family in the state of Delaware. The White house had emphasized her stay there had already been pre-planned, because the President and the First Lady were traveling on the road.

“Unknown Person” was a dog

Biden’s spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, had described the dog between case at the beginning of March is a little bulky: “Major” had been surprised by an “unknown Person”, and I responded in a way that led this Person to a “small injury”. Concrete, it was not.

Biden played the incident in the ABC Interview and stressed the “Major” was a “sweet dog”, I only get a scare when, suddenly, two unknown persons behind a corner to be turned up. The President also stressed that he had banished “Major” by no means out of the White house.

“First Cat” could follow

Trump had brought in as the first President for more than 100 years not to have a dog in the White house. “How would I look when I would be walking with a dog on the lawn of the White house?” Trump once asked, and pulled a Grimace. Biden used the in the election campaign for an ironic ad with the title “Choose your people Wisely.”

Champ and Major could get in the future, probably animal gain. According to reports, the Bidens want to buy, apparently, a cat. For details about the “First Cat” is not yet known.

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